Tooth Whitening

Having brighter teeth has now become the number one cosmetic desire for most patients. many believe that whiter teeth make them look younger & more attractive. Tooth whitening (or bleaching) is a simple, non-invasive dental treatment used to change the color of natural tooth enamel and is an ideal way to enhance the beauty of your smile.

Reasons for tooth whitening:

This is done purely for cosmetic purpose … Some people get their teeth bleached to make stains disappear, while other just want a whiter shade. Discoloration occurs in the enamel and can be caused by medication, coffee, tea and cigarettes. Discoloration also can be hereditary or due to advancing age.

What does tooth whitening involve

Office Bleach : This is done by a dentist in the dental clinic. After applying protection over the gums, A concentrated solution of carbamide peroxide is applied to the tooth surface under supervision. Procedure typically runs for 1-2 hrs and is monitored by your dentist.

Home Bleach: Any person considering using home bleaching products can do it at home after taking advice from a dentist. The bleaching solution in this case is typically pre-diluted and comes in ready syringes. This has to be applied for 4-5 subsequent days by patient themselves and Effect is seen over a period of a week.

Whitening is not a painful procedure however it does lead to some sensitivity in the teeth. This sensitivity is totally reversible & stops once the procedure is completed. However we recommend the use of Desensitizing tooth paste for the period while the bleaching is done to minimize discomfort.